Bone and Soft Tissue Symposium

26.10.2018 – 25.10.2018

Book your place for one of the event highlights of the year and learn about next generation implant esthetics with the lead of Dr. S. Marcus Beschnidt DDS, DMD, from Germany.

Event details:
Friday, October 26, 2018, 11.30am to 5pm
Congress Center of the Allergy House
Paciuksenkatu 19, Helsinki

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11.30am – 12am Registration, coffee & snacks
12am – 1.30pm Lecture
1.30 pm – 2.15pm Coffee and exhibition
2.15 pm – 3.45pm Lecture
3.45 pm – 4pm Refreshments
4 pm – 5pm Lecture
5pm – 7pm Cocktail event

Ticket price: 320€

Sign up and enquiries:
susanna.rodriguez(at) or +358 9 530 6730.

To be functionally useful, oral implants have to pierce the gingiva and enter the oral cavity, thus establishing a transmucosal connection between the external environment and the inner parts of the body.

In addition to osseointegration, this soft tissue integration is the key factor for implant success. Especially in the maxillary anterior area, the esthetic outcome is a critical determinant of the overall success of implant therapy, and yet it remains a challenge.

New biomaterials help to minimize risks of complications and deliver reliable esthetic outcomes. The use of artificial free gingival grafts and matrices substituting connective tissue grafts help gain sufficient soft tissue without additional surgical effort. Surgical techniques, advantages but also contraindications of the use of biomaterials are discussed and evaluated.

Another big challenge in dentistry is the inclusion of the full digital workflow. Here many possibilities arise by the use of several digital devices to end up with an esthetic and fitting restoration done only in virtual models. CAD/CAM technology has great potential in individual full ceramic abutment design for the esthetic zone.

Here many open questions occur. When to enter the digital world? Which digital data can be mixed? How precise is the way back to the real world?

This lecture tries to find answers and solutions, but also discusses the limitations on a scientific base.